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SANE Certification Exam Prep Course 2025 update
Disclosure and instructions
Once in the course you have the option of completing the Adult modules for 5.75 CE, the Pediatric modules for 7.25 CE, or the Combined Adult/Adolescent/Pediatric modules for 11.75 CE. Portions of the adult and pediatric reviews are duplicative so you cannot claim CE for both. If you would like to review for both exams, please be sure to select the combined review course.


The SANE Certification Review Course is designed to identify strengths and weaknesses in the clinical management of adult, adolescent, and pediatric sexually assaulted patients. It is also designed to assist nurses in preparing for the SANE-A® and/or the SANE-P® Certification Exam given by the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN).

The authors, presenters, and planning committee for this educational activity have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Upon attending the course in its entirety (due to the criticality of the content) and completing the course evaluation, you will receive a certificate that documents the continuing nursing education contact hours for this activity.

The International Association of Forensic Nurses is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation
Availability: On-Demand
Access expires 365 days after start
Cost: Member: $199.00
Non-Member: $299.00
International Association of Forensic Nurses
6755 Business Parkway, Ste 303
Elkridge, MD 21075
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